Sunday, April 15, 2012

Weekly round-up: How'd we do?

So, I'm curious how Chris and I did with our goals this week.

In terms of eating out, we ate out three times, once for lunch ($29.36), and twice for supper ($63.47).  We actually hadn't planned on eating out for supper one of those times, turns out the meal I had planned for Thursday had gone bad (I bought fresh pasta from a local source, and it turned to a mush the consistency of oatmeal).   One concession I always allow myself when I have to work Saturday, is to go out for lunch (I obviously worked this past Saturday), what I hadn't planned on was ordering a $12 salad -- ouch!  We also spent $38.73 at the grocery store this week (mainly on fruit and veg, yum yum!)

As far as other expenses, this was a week.  Aside from paying our bills (internet, mobile phone, and vet) I bought a splurge item from Amazon ($78.51), Chris got stuff for the yard from Lowe's ($32.80), and I signed-up for a race with peeps from work ($25), oh, and we dropped $13.16 at the post office on stamps and mailing a book.  At the pump, we spent $32.10 on gas.  All and all, I guess that's not too bad.

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